
What are plugins?#


  • Plugin - some Python package which implements some extra functionality for etl_entities

  • Plugin autoimport - etl_entities behavior which allows to automatically import this package if it contains proper metadata (entry_points)


Plugins mechanism allows to:

  • Automatically register new classes, like HWM type, HWM stores and so on


Unlike other projects (like Airflow 1.x), plugins does not inject imported classes or functions to etl_entities.* namespace. Users should import classes from the plugin package explicitly to avoid name collisions.

How to implement plugin?#

Create a Python package some-plugin with a file some_plugin/

# some_plugin/
from setuptools import setup

    # if you want to import something from etl_entities, add it to requirements list
        # this key enables plugins autoimport functionality
        "etl_entities.plugins": [
            "some-plugin-name=some_plugin.module",  # automatically import all module content
            "some-plugin-class=some_plugin.module.internals:MyClass",  # import a specific class
            "some-plugin-function=some_plugin.module.internals:my_function",  # import a specific function

See setuptools documentation for entry points

How plugins are imported?#

  • User should install a package implementing the plugin:

pip install some-package
  • Then user should import something from etl_entities module or its submodules:

import etl_entities
from etl_entities.hwm import ColumnIntHWM

# and so on
  • This import automatically executes something like:

import some_plugin.module
from some_plugin.module.internals import MyClass
from some_plugin.module.internals import my_function

If specific module/class/function uses some registration capabilities of etl_entities, it will be executed during this import.

How to enable/disable plugins?#

Disable/enable all plugins#

By default plugins are enabled.

To disabled them, you can set environment variable ETL_ENTITIES_PLUGINS_ENABLED to false BEFORE importing etl_entities. This will disable all plugins autoimport.

But user is still be able to explicitly import some_plugin.module, executing all decorators and registration capabilities of etl_entities.

Disable a specific plugin (blacklist)#

If some plugin is failing during import, you can disable it by setting up environment variable ETL_ENTITIES_PLUGINS_BLACKLIST=some-failing-plugin. Multiple plugin names could be passed with , as delimiter.

Again, this environment variable should be set BEFORE importing etl_entities.

Disable all plugins except a specific one (whitelist)#

You can also disable all plugins except a specific one by setting up environment variable ETL_ENTITIES_PLUGINS_WHITELIST=some-not-failing-plugin. Multiple plugin names could be passed with , as delimiter.

Again, this environment variable should be set BEFORE importing etl_entities.

If both whitelist and blacklist environment variables are set, blacklist has a higher priority.

How to see logs of the plugins mechanism?#

Plugins registration emits logs with INFO level:

import logging

INFO   Found 2 plugins
INFO   Loading plugin 'my-plugin'
INFO   Skipping plugin 'failing' because it is in a blacklist

More detailed logs are emitted with DEBUG level, to make output less verbose:

import logging

DEBUG  Searching for plugins with group 'etl_entities.plugins'
DEBUG  |Plugins| Plugins whitelist: []
DEBUG  |Plugins| Plugins blacklist: ['failing-plugin']
INFO   |Plugins| Found 2 plugins
INFO   Loading plugin (1/2):
DEBUG      name: 'my-plugin'
DEBUG      package: 'my-package'
DEBUG      version: '0.1.0'
DEBUG      importing: 'my_package.my_module:MyClass'
DEBUG  Successfully loaded plugin 'my-plugin'
DEBUG      source: '/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/my_package/my_module/'
INFO   Skipping plugin 'failing' because it is in a blacklist